14 Jan. 2022
14 Jan. 2022
A Call for one Post-Doctoral Research fellowship (BIPD - Bolsa de investigação pós-doutoral) is open Fundação D. Anna de Sommer Champalimaud e Dr. Carlos Montez Champalimaud (Champalimaud Foundation) in the context of the project “The Neural basis of Weber’s Law” - financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Lisbon Regional Operational Programme and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), through Portuguese National Funds (PIDDAC).
06 January 2022
My original thesis question was ‘How do we read mental states from facial expressions?’ However, a few months after presenting it, my PhD project changed 180 degrees and the final question ended up being ‘How can deep learning help to understand collective behaviour in zebrafish?’