- Platforms
Fish Platform
Fish Platform
The Fish Platform was established in 2012 to house and breed zebrafish, the second most used animal model in biomedical research, with rigorous health and welfare standards. It also provides a wide range of supporting research services, from line maintenance to complex mutant/transgenic generation in close collaboration with the Molecular and Transgenic Tools Platform.
The Fish Platform is deeply involved on advanced training and on the development of new protocols/technologies in close collaboration with other Platforms at the Champalimaud Research as attested by 5 peer-reviewed publications since 2016 and several oral selected presentations in international meetings. It also collaborates with a software company to develop an integrated database for zebrafish facilities and with a robotics company for new automation solutions on zebrafish husbandry.
The Fish Platform is also part of CONGENTO, the Consortium for Genetically Tractable Organisms, where it plays a pivotal role in delivering zebrafish services to the national research community.